Gourmet festival in Budapest


Gourmet festival: the perfect opportunity to discover the best food in Budapest 

Each year in Budapest the Gourmet Festival takes place in the heart of the city and offers a variety with over 100 exhibitors who share the Hungarian gastronomical culture with their visitors. It is an unmissable program, especially when it comes to culinary enthusiasts. You can find everything you need for a special day out heavenly foods, iconic exhibitors, and exciting performances. The country's best wineries, restaurants, and pastry shops are lined up and share their personal dishes that have been inspired by heritage. 

It is a chance to learn about the latest trends in the food industry and get to know Hungarian cuisine and an opportunity for chefs to show off their creativity and culinary skills. Personally, I find it to be an iconic event and I am so happy to share that I have been able to attend it for the third time. We usually attend all three days with my friends and enjoy the atmosphere from the early hours until it closes in the evening.

The programs are curated by a team of experts who carefully select the best products available on the market. Visitors can also enjoy live cooking demonstrations, lectures, workshops, and other events while they explore this event. The festival would have celebrated its 10 anniversary in 2020, but due to circumstances had to postpone for two years.

The Festival is all about the food, but it's also about having a good time. If you love to cook, there are plenty of opportunities to get hands-on with top chefs and restaurateurs. You can learn how to make your own signature dish at one of our cooking stations, or just sit down and enjoy a tasting session with some of the best chefs in town. It is really more than just an opportunity to eat delicious food and drink delicious wine-it's also a chance for kids to play while they're eating! There will be fun activities throughout the day for children of all ages, from coloring contests and balloon animals (that are actually edible!) to face painting and dancing. If you want to go on vacation without having to leave home, this is the perfect opportunity! 

The atmosphere of the international high society is perfect and I highly recommend this event to all food lovers! I am definitely revisiting next year!

© 2022 Anthony Garfield. All rights reserved.
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