Budapest Wine festival


On my way to the annual Wine festival, where elegance meets chicness- in the iconic symbol of the city.

The home and set to the Budapest Wine Festival, the Buda Castle, has undergone a huge transformation in the last few years. Thanks to the reconstructions carried out, every corner of it can shine again in its original glory after being destructed. The beauty and elegance of the castle makes it one of the most amazing wine festivals in the country and welcomes all our guests in a majestic and stylish manner. I find it to be a success every year and the ideal location to sample new vineyards. It's truly one of those events that get everyone going whether you are a local or a tourist. My friends and I are no exception, of course, as we attend almost every year.

Since it is a wine festival, the main attraction besides the beautiful view and atmosphere is alcohol. However, there is a variety of programs within the area that are presented. It only happens that these attractions can be accompanied by your favorite wines. The authentic festival atmosphere is usually enhanced by vendors from all of the country's wine regions, concerts of Hungarian pop and folk music, and delicious gastronomy. As earlier mentioned, the Budapest Wine Festival is a wonderful chance to sample award-winning Hungarian and international wines, champagnes, cavas, and regional cuisine, or simply to unwind and take in the breathtaking view.

If you are by chance visiting Budapest at the beginning of September, make sure to include the wine festival in the Buda Castle in your schedule as it is one of the largest and most notable events in the Hungarian capital and has been held for the 31st time as of this year. A wide range of programs is offered at this famous historical site that you would have to visit anyhow as a tourist. Even if you're not a wine lover, you will find something interesting; Fine food is available at a number of food booths, including the Chef Market Gourmet Food Court, which also hosts concerts and cultural events. 

The atmosphere is wonderful and the location is historically significant. As a series of top-quality restaurants and street food places are present at the festival, it is highly recommended to try some delicious street food between two glasses of wine. The event is well organized, it is spread out across a big area with many places to sit and enjoy your beverage. We concentrated on the regional Hungarian wines out of the many wines available to sample and had some Tokaji wines, which were excellent. This wine is a specialty of Hungary and is a sweet white dessert wine. We also had some snacks in between, mostly cheese platters among other things.

Pricewise, it is not a cheap event, however, in return you receive quality, that's for sure. You receive a crystal tasting glass and a tiny glass holding bag to carry it in after having your ticket validated at the gate and the Budapest History Museum's permanent displays are free to view for ticket holders. This event is a great opportunity to sample delicious wines and regional and international cuisine specialties, learn about the history of Hungarian wines and wine growing, meet renowned winemakers, take in folk music performances and other concerts on two stages, and take in the view from Buda Castle's terraces and make new friends.

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